philosophy Psychology society


The backdrop of the film, Scarface, was Fidel Castro’s exile of Cuban criminals to the United States.  The bargain of a lifetime for Castro that allowed him to die securely in power with a millionth excellent cigar in his mouth; an unending parasitic burden on his mortal enemy, the United States.  Winning.

This success of Castro’s policy was somewhat by happy accident or by concealed red-pill understanding.  Today, Mexico, Central America, and much of the third world behave in very similar way dumping their failures into gullible and soft first world plutocracies as they try to boost themselves relative to failing enemies and simply rid themselves of problems with as little effort as possible.

At the same time in these first world countries, we see the brain drain of the best professionals from high IQ populations around the world.  The smartest people in China, India, and Eastern Europe go to Silicon Valley.  In what is supposedly the same country and city we see both world-class talent and world-class dysfunction aggressively recruited.  Which you encounter depends on what class of society you fall in.

If towards the top, San Francisco seems like a gleaming Star Fleet Academy; a veritable city-on-a-hill.  If anywhere else, the rising tide of peasant mediocrity becomes ever harder to ignore as tiny nuclear families flee to a new suburb every 5 years if they can even avoid divorce.

Post-Modern America is defined not just by the growing disparity of wealth but also by the growing gaps in human capital.

The dissident sphere generally agrees on HBD(Human Biodiversity) the idea that human populations have distinct differences, rejection of the blank slate(nature over nurture), and that within populations some people are intrinsically more able than others.

As the dissident model of human society becomes the new orthodoxy it is inevitable that we see the emergence of Bio-Mercantilism.
Like a bunch of mid-90s elementary school kids trading baseball cards and pogs, all nations will try to dump their rejects and steal the best as a matter of normal policy.

It will be very like the days when nations competed over stores of bullion and favorable balances of trade.  So urgent were the pressures of the old mercantilism that the need for control of gold and trade could precipitate worldwide wars like the 7 Years War between Britain and France, of which what Americans call the French and Indian War was just one theater.  It was enough to propel Spain and Portugal to do their very best to loot the whole planet of precious metals for about 300 years.

Or we might consider the Opium Wars prosecuted by Britain in the 19th century.  After centuries and two dynasties of the Chinese demanding silver in payment for their goods, the situation finally became untenable in a mercantilist world where a money supply limited by precious metals was a zero-sum game.
The British got extremely creative as mandated by urgent necessity.  They found that opium was the one good that could reliably get them some of the silver back despite the strict prohibitions of Qing dynasty authorities.
So opium became their key import to bring the mercantilist equation back into balance at the expense of millions of drug-addled Chinese and two imperialist wars that utterly humiliated the swiftly declining Qing.

So let’s use our imaginations a bit and project wars over opium and silver to wars over the best human capital and the power to dump the worst people elsewhere.  In an increasingly overpopulated world, that is the dynamic that defines post-modern society.
In fact, the disparate flows of the best and worst into the nominal United States of America already make that entity inherently fictional and un-sovereign.

There is one group that gets the best people that it wants from all over the world.  There is another group in approximately the same area that gets swamped with the worst and most dysfunctional from everywhere.  These latter are the losers of a Bio-Mercantilist system that ignores the borders of mere nation-states made obsolete by the World Wars.

The irony that eludes our idiot elite is Bio-Mercantilism will lead to more brutal wars and exploitation than gold and silver ever did.