
Rob Stark’s Journey to Vapor Island, A Review

We first meet nerdy Jewish kid, Noam Metzenbaum, at a heavily multiracial urban high school where he takes solace in his books as star Black athletes monopolize the few pretty blond girls. While everyone else goes along to get along, Noam intensely resents the perverse social order he’s forced to live in. He dreams every day of a society that actually rewards people of culture and intellect with aristocratic status, money, and beautiful women. The people he sees receiving society’s best gifts in the real world are almost always the lowest IQ, the most brutish, the most crass and lewd.
Above the plebeian press of sweaty bodies, there’s just one towering modern figure Noam admires, a dissident version of Trump named Blackstone. Like Trump, normal people both high and low in society who benefit from the status quo instinctively loathe him.

After every humiliating day in his grinding reality of crushingly low incel status, Noam confides in his diary how even though he is an outcast, he knows he has a sort of greater vision that people who just want to be popular at school can never understand. This made me both laugh and reminisce. I can remember thinking a lot like Noam at his age. Adults would praise my bookish abilities yet their approval never turned into real advantages in life. To the contrary, anything the older generations encouraged was counterproductive to any sort of real-life success. So as with Noam, I experienced an extreme dissonance as I was despised for trying to develop my gifts and to be the best I could.
As it turned out, everything I had ever been taught was a lie and Noam finds himself trapped as I was, forced into visions of desperate grandiosity to shield himself from truths that are too harsh for sanity to bear.

Noam forms a crush on a blonde Jewish girl he once met who goes to another school. To his delight, he discovers he is transferring to Chadsworth Academy, the preppy private school she attends. Suddenly he has the chance to escape his daily grind, unite with his crush, and finally vindicate himself as a true Platonic aristocrat ubermensch(as anyone in the dissident sphere has probably dreamed of.)
Chadsworth, though, is full of Chads. They are handsome, athletic, with Dads who are big bankers and hedge fund managers. Yet in spite of these noble qualities they are as debased and lewd as the minority athletes Noam despised at his old school. Noam’s sense of betrayal reaches a new level. Before, he could tell himself he only had to escape the bottom of society. Now, he faces the fact that social order is in its sorry state because the whole hierarchy is rotten from top to bottom. If there had been a true nobility steering the ship, things would never have gotten so bad to begin with. Instead, the aristocracy snorts coke, listens to vulgar rappers, and finds time to virtue signal as society continues to fall apart.

Noam’s transition here again resonates with my own experience. As an incel bookworm myself in high school, I could still hope that maybe society as a whole was headed in the right overall direction. As George W. Bush came to power with his contrived Texan accent and thrust the nation into one pointless war after another on behalf of Lockheed Martin and Halliburton, my faith in the entire system went into freefall. The perversion I had experienced was no accident. Even the very highest and most powerful people in the world were insipid, mediocre tools and from them, waterfalls of venom rushed downward. When one is forced to conclude that they’re a majority of one against a fallen world, the dissident path can no longer be avoided. Though Noam’s pretensions to aristocratic ubermensch status are an obvious desperate coping mechanism that is often darkly humorous, it is difficult for the reader to avoid thinking “he’s not wrong.”

Noam is frustrated by the failure of the elite to show elite leadership. He is blocked from being with his one true crush just as surely as before. His disenchantment grows and he must find a way to solve his problems decisively. You’ll have to read the book to find out how.

As the story progresses, there are whole segments of it that I could only describe as pornographic with enormous amounts of all kinds of bodily fluids and bizarrely kinky behavior. Not my thing, but I saw the emphasis on non-penetrative sexual fetishes as a metaphor for our debauched sexual culture that somehow produces practically no offspring or families.
Moreover, Noam’s never-ending longing for his one true crush that he missed in high school despite the unlimited sexuality that surrounds him contains a poignant message about our culture.
We spend decades “dating” around, always wondering what it might have been like to be with that one high school crush and have a family. But the whole mendacious society rotten from top to bottom relentlessly pushed our young and idealistic selves away from the one thing that might have fulfilled us, continued the cycle of life, and sustained the ruling order’s and the culture’s mandate of heaven over us.

Rob Stark’s story makes good use of dissident symbols such as the various colored pills and the religion of Kek.
In one of my favorite scenes, students at Chadsworth Academy have a debate where they form into groups and represent political parties. The smarmy son of a Jewish millionaire and his JAP hangers on get assigned to the Dem establishment faction. The Chads have fun affecting fake southern accents as the establishment conservatives. The nerdy kid who’s just cool enough to be socially accepted speaks for the libertarian candidate no one cares about. Our protagonist, Noam, is the only one who stands up to speak for Blackstone, the Nietzschean dissident Trump figure. The exchange that follows is hilarious. What’s more, the Blackstone platform includes “smart socialism,” a phrase that may well be borrowed from my own blog. I find this sort of cross-pollination of ideas encouraging.

Another thing I would note, is the trend of almost everyone in the story calling out Noam as a virgin, with his Mom as almost the only exception. It’s so exaggerated that it started to remind me of the kid from a Christmas Story getting told “You’ll shoot your eye out!” every time he brings up his desire for a BB gun for Christmas. Almost all the Chad antagonists act like they could have walked right out of Back to the Future. This emphasizes where Noam is at in life as a vulnerable teenager approaching peak sexual frustration. I came to read Noam’s narration as semi-unreliable and it was amusing to try to filter the real world from his perception of it.
As the story reaches its later stages, this unreliability seems to be confirmed. But what should we expect from a story called “Vapor Island?”

Overall, this is perhaps the first novel I’ve read that I would place squarely within the dissident sphere and totally independent of the philosophy and tropes of the neo-liberal order. Despite the strange fetishes that take up quite a bit of this story, I found it to be a poignant parable of growing up as a majority of one in a deranged society where all anyone cares about is popularity, “networking,” and the top 25 pop songs.

By Giovanni Dannato

In 1547 I was burnt at the stake in Rome for my pernicious pamphlet proclaiming that the heavens were not filled with a profusion of aether, but rather an extensive vacuum.
Now, the phlogiston that composed my being has re-manifested centuries in the future so that I may continue the task that was inconveniently disrupted so long ago.
Now, I live in Rome on the very street where I (and others) were publicly burnt. To this day, the street is known as what I would translate as 'Heretic's Way'. My charming residence is number 6 on this old road. Please, do come inside and pay me a visit; I should be delighted to spew out endless pedagoguery to one and all...

9 replies on “Rob Stark’s Journey to Vapor Island, A Review”

Even the very highest and most powerful people in the world were insipid, mediocre tools and from them, waterfalls of venom rushed downward.

But venom strengthens one — it strengthened one A. Hitler. In his homeless shelters and in the rough-and-ready rooms of Vienna, he conspired and talked, and grew into a great talker and powerful melder of ideas. Men like him, Napoleon, Stalin — self-created men, who started desperately poor or as nobodies, could rise up, and did. Not everyone in history is a simpering, pampered George W. Bush.

Just concentrate on rising up, Giovanni. *steeples hands* I know you can do so, if you try.

This is slightly off topic but squarely in the vein of oganizing power. I ran across this video link. I think you would like it. It also aligns with the comment about A. Hitler above. A comment on it from the poster who linked it,”…Professor Efimov Victor Alekseyevich in his talk about world governance given to FSB (KGB) students in 2012. He says that the “conceptual power” that rules the global system from above elected governments stands between “the truth” and “a lie”. It keeps the truth to itself and offers the voters within any system to choose from a spectrum of “lies”, all of which are ultimately subject to their own authority. Watch here. This is genuinely interesting:…”.

He talks about how the Oligarchs at the top were making billions in Russian from oil,”the bowels of the Earth he called it”, while school teachers were making $100 a month and farmers were actually losing money.

Watching the video, I was struck by the use of the word “system.”

Systems, I find, are largely artificial bodies that only roughly equate to the world-as-it-is. When the professor ushers out his word, he’s indulging in the lexicon game professors play of employing words like “zeitgeist,” “nomenclature” etc.

I would say that CULTURE is more responsible for Russia’s woeful state than anything else. Germany, England, France, have cultures of business and innovation (though France is a bit weaker), while Russia is consumed by primitive ways of doing things and thinking about things that no longer apply, which is why they had to have a tyrant force-start industrialization rather than it happening naturally there.


“…I would say that CULTURE is more responsible for Russia’s woeful state than anything else. Germany, England, France, have cultures of business and innovation (though France is a bit weaker), while Russia is consumed by primitive ways of doing things and thinking about things that no longer apply…”

You may be right but…

“… which is why they had to have a tyrant force-start industrialization rather than it happening naturally there…”

the evidence is not conclusive on this at all. Not at all. Have you ever read, “The Rise and Fall of Great Powers”? If I’m not mistaken, I may be, they tracked the increase in Russia’s industrialization and it was growing by leaps and bounds before the WWI and the take over by the Jewish Bolsheviks. They were behind the major industrializing powers but so were everyone else. They lagged but their curve of output of iron ore, steel, coal utilization was on the same tracking upward curve as the other powers. In reality we’ll never know because they murdered the Russian society. That they are lagging now says nothing about what their potential could have been. They have lost a great deal of time and intermediate steps leading to industrialization. It will be very difficult for them. All the Asian markets are Mercantilist and it seems other countries like the US are moving in the same direction. That they don’t have the smarts to do these sort of things is untrue. They can build seriously advanced weapons systems but they don’t have the infrastructure to build a lot of the middle market stuff that compounds business. The ecosystem of middle market businesses is taken and the rungs on the lower part of the ladder have been taken off. It’s possible they may have been ruined for ever. The hurdle is too difficult to get over. Now you may say the Asians did it so so can they but the Asians had open access to the US market while controlling their own. They would have never gotten where they are today without this access to the US market.

They were easier to keep track of because of their shiny hair. The darker headed ones ran away, were harder to track so we couldn’t find them.

Although the host of Colony finds the narrator “unreliable,” he also denotes lessons to be learned.

Which raises an interesting practical question:

How much garbage do you have to take from a book before you fling it aside and start with another? Especially after a major investment of time?

Today’s writers have become skilled at COCK-TEASING the average reader, while providing nothing of LASTING SATISFACTION. They devote literally months to the first few pages, knowing this will break or make the sales of the book. There needs to be a CONSUMER REPORTS for books that is just a concise “yea or nea” after a 2-sentence descriptor of the work. Kirkus and Pubisher’s Weekly pick loser books, hype them excessively, and ignore the dreaded “Universal Boredom Factor” which drowns out the vast sea of books against the expectations of the belabored Average Reader. Reader beware.

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